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ax users keygen

Generate a new user key pair
ax users keygen [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

-h, --help Prints help information
-j, --json Format output as JSON
-V, --version Prints version information
-v Verbosity level. Add more v for higher verbosity
(-v, -vv, -vvv, etc.)

-o, --output <output> Path in which to save the private key. The public key will be generated in the same
directory with the `.pub` suffix

Please see the following usage examples for the ax users keygen command:

Example Usage
# Generate a new user keys in default location
$ ax users keygen
Generating public/private key pair ..
Enter path in which to save the key (<OS-specific default path>/actyx/keys/users):
Your private key has been saved at <OS-specific default path>/actyx/keys/users/id
Your public key has been saved at <OS-specific default path>/actyx/keys/users/
The key's fingerprint is: 0WBOOWqi2Ub5SPi5btKN5H5BzFPcjyULwUKUN2dWVsMI=

# Generate a new swarm key, create file swarm.key and write the generated key to it
$ ax users keygen -o mykeys
Generating public/private key pair ..
Your private key has been saved at mykeys
Your public key has been saved at
The key's fingerprint is: 09a36bJYYYSusZuQoum6x2zgqtHxYP31ov0RHRWIzwVo=