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ax settings get

Get settings from a node
ax settings get [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SCOPE> <NODE>

-h, --help Prints help information
-j, --json Format output as JSON
--no-defaults Only return settings explicitly set by the user and skip default values
-V, --version Prints version information
-v Verbosity level. Add more v for higher verbosity (-v, -vv, -vvv, etc.)

-i, --identity <identity> File from which the identity (private key) for authentication is read

<SCOPE> Scope from which you want to get the settings
<NODE> the IP address or <host>:<admin port> of the node to perform the operation on
Null or schema conformant

The return value of this command will always be either null or schema conformant, unless the --no-defaults flag is used.

Here are some examples of using the ax settings get command:

Example Usage
# Get the settings for the node at
# Use `/` for the root scope.
ax settings get /

# Just get the displayName setting
ax settings get /admin/displayName