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Actyx jargon

Actyx has lots of amazing features that make factory automation easier. But, like any technology, that means there is some jargon that can be confusing to newcomers. So let's define the basics so you find your way around our documentation.


Actyx is a piece of software that you deploy to your device. It is packaged in various formats, e.g. as a Linux binary or as an Android APK — check out our reference documentation for supported operating systems and architectures to find out more.


A node is a device that runs Actyx. The device can be physical, e.g. a tablet, or virtual, e.g. a virtual machine.

It is possible to run multiple instances of Actyx on one machine. In that case, one would say that the machine was running multiple nodes.


An Actyx swarm is a group of Actyx nodes that are configured with the same Swarm Key. Nodes inside a swarm are connected to each other and exchange events.


An app is a piece of software that runs on a device that also runs Actyx. On that device, the app interacts locally with Actyx through Actyx's APIs. The packaging of the app (e.g. as a Docker container or Android APK) depends on the device it is running on.