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Manage authorized users of a node

For following the steps in this guide, you need to set up user keys first.

If a node has no authorized users yet, the first user to interact with a node is automatically added to its authorized users. If you want to manage which users are authorized to manage a node, you can do so by adding the user's public key to the authorizedUsers property in the node settings:

- 0WBOOWqi2Ub5SPi5btKN5H5BzFPcjyULwUKUN2dWVsMI= ## Public key of an authorized user

The following example assumes that you are already authorized and now want to add a user with the public key 09a36bJYYYSusZuQoum6x2zgqtHxYP31ov0RHRWIzwVo=

In the Node Manager, simply add the public keys as strings, separated by a comma to the authorizedUsers array:


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