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Configure announced addresses

You need to configure the announceAddresses settings if the following statements are both true:

  • there is NAT between the discovery helper node and your other nodes, and
  • one (or more) of your nodes is a Docker node, and the Actyx container is not running with the --network=host option

In this case, you have to manually configure the address of your node's host in the announceAddress property in the node settings:

announceAddress: # Manually configured addresses to announce
- /ip4/
# These must be multiaddresses, i.e. ip4/<YOUR_IP>/tcp/4001

You can configure it by using the Actyx CLI or the Node Manager. The following examples assume that the IP address of your Docker node is

You can use the output from above and ax settings set to configure it:

ax settings set /swarm/announceAddresses [/ip4/] localhost
conceptual guide on discovery

For more information on discovery, please refer to our conceptual guide.