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Event Tagging Best Practices

The previous section shows how Actyx delivers events for a given AQL query. In this section we give some guidance on how to use tags to keep event retrieval efficient — it corresponds to learning about how to use indexes for performance optimisation in SQL.

Apps and streams

All events in Actyx are locally assigned to a single event stream. You can see this by looking at the stream property e.g. in the Node Manager. This stream is then replicated to other Actyx nodes to make the events available there. This mechanism’s role does not extend beyond event replication, so the assigned stream identifier should be considered an implementation or administration detail.

Independently of the above each event is also internally marked with the appId of the app that created it — this is the reason why access to the HTTP API requires an app manifest. In contrast to the stream, the appId is very useful when searching for events. After all, multiple apps may use a single Actyx node, and each of them might have a different idea of what a 'user' tag means on an event.

Therefore it is good practice to use appId(...) matchers in your AQL queries:

FROM appId(com.actyx.quickstart) & 'item' & 'created'

This does not only protect your app from interference with other programmers’ apps, it also ensures peaceful coexistence with your own future apps. As soon as you have multiple apps that should exchange information you’ll match on the other app’s ID to take in foreign events, and the counterparty may do vice versa.

Event history ownership: entity tags

With stream and appId it is obvious that each event belongs to one of each kind, and the same should hold for a certain kind of tag: every event is written by exactly one entity — represented in your app — to which it belongs. This entity is described by two pieces of information:

  • a class of entities (like “user”, “order”, “door”, etc.)
  • a unique identifier for that exact instance (like “user Fred”)

In the Actyx SDK this combination is created with code like the following:

const userTag = Tag<UserEvent>('user')
const fredTag = userTag.withId('Fred')

In an AQL query you search for events emitted with fredTag using a query beginning with

FROM appId(...) & 'user' & 'user:Fred' ...

The TypeScript code above shows that userTag carries the expectation that it applies only to events that fit the UserEvent type. We could mention the user “Fred” without stating that this is a UserEvent by just using'Fred').


When emitting an event, make sure to include exactly one .withId() call result. This names the entity to which the event belongs, including which data type the event has.

If the event includes information on other entities (see external analyses below) then you mention those using .id().

So if you find yourself wanting to place more than one .withId() tag on an event you should probably emit multiple events instead, one for each entity. TypeScript will also nudge you in that direction if you properly declare your entity kind tags with the expected event type:

const itemTag = Tag<ItemEvent>('item')
const toEmit = itemTag.withId('1234').and(userTag.withId('Fred'))
// `toEmit` now requires events to conform to both UserEvent and ItemEvent at the same time!

Short-lived entities

Coordination between multiple users is one of the two main purposes of Actyx (the second is discussed in the section below). The event exchanges necessary for such coordination are typically short-lived. Take as an example an order at a fastfood restaurant: you walk in and select what you desire, your payment is confirmed, then the kitchen staff prepare it and the counter staff serves it to you. This process takes a few minutes to run to completion and afterwards it is only interesting for audits or statistics.

The fastfood order is an example of a widely useful class of entities: workflows. Each workflow needs to be uniquely identifiable, whether it models entering and starting a car or having one’s hair dressed, so we tag it with an entity tag pair as described in the section above.

There is a reason why coordination and short-lived go together: coordination requires following a strict protocol, discarding (or compensating) invalid choices resulting from concurrency or network partitions, i.e. we need to evaluate the relevant event history with a state machine (like the inner workings of machine-runner). This fundamentally requires inspecting all state changes, from applying the first event in the initial state to applying the last known event to get the current state. If the event history grows long then this process becomes impractical.


When inspecting short-lived entities like workflows, always query by the tag pair that uniquely identifies this instance. Do not query all events of the entity type to “get an overview” — this pattern will inevitably lead to very poor performance after some while.

We discuss obtaining an overview over a group of workflows further below. Note that Actyx is pretty good at finding events by their tags, so leaving a workflow in some intermediate state for a while and then coming back to finish it a month later is not a problem.

Long-lived entities

In addition to workflows you will typically want to track information about long-lived objects — often these are your assets — which is the second main purpose of Actyx. These objects may be persons, devices, places, anything you can think of. Examples are tracking what I’m doing all day or taking note of the CPU temperature of my laptop over time.

Such long-lived collections of information usually do not need stringent state-based rules for making sense of them: in order to use the CPU temperature data covering the past five minutes I do not need to access data from last week — in short there is no need to run a state machine over all events in their proper sequence from the beginning of time.

As for short-lived entities, the primary rule of tagging events with the tag pair uniquely identifying the entity applies here as well. But in contrast to short-lived entities we rarely query all events for such an entity. Instead we are usually only interested in some time window or in finding the latest events pertaining to a certain quality of the object we are tracking. For example we might ask where a robot currently is and whether it most recently started a mission or finished it:

FROM appId(...) & 'robot' & 'robot:4711' & TIME > 1D ago  -- safeguard against no recent mission events
LIMIT 10000 -- optionally limit the number of events to be considered in total
position: LAST(CASE _.type = 'position' => _.position ENDCASE)
mission: LAST(
CASE _.type = 'missionStarted' => 'mission'
CASE _.type = 'missionCompleted' => 'idle'
CASE _.type = 'missionAborted' => 'idle'
) ?? 'dunno' -- fall back in case no recent mission events are found

When looking for a current or recent state, always bound the query by both the unique tag pair for the entity as well as a time window or event count.

Noteworthy events

In the example above the query will be quite efficient if mission events are sufficiently frequent. If there is a large imbalance between the number of position updates and mission events, then finding the most recent mission event will need to sift through a large number of position updates first. We can avoid this by making the interesting events — mission events in this case — more visible for queries: we attach additional tags to them. If we ensure for example that all mission-related events are tagged with 'mission' then we can look for the latest state type one like so:

FROM appId(...) & 'robot' & 'robot:4711' & 'mission' AGGREGATE LAST(_.type)

This doesn’t need a bounded time window or event count because it will peruse the event tag index to directly find the most recent event with these tags.

Another example of noteworthy events that benefit from extra tags are those events that start a given kind of workflow. We saw above that querying all orders so that we can get an overview is quite wasteful: who would read the full reports of all orders ever served by a restaurant if all they want is to find the currently open ones?

common pattern

Not a strict rule but almost universally useful: tag the event that starts off a workflow with an additional tag. Also often useful is tagging some notable state transitions, in particular when the workflow has been completed.

Getting an overview

If you do this, then you can efficiently get a list of all workflows for a given time period — many workflows become irrelevant after some time, consider e.g. an unfinished order in a fastfood restaurant and whether you’ll want to complete it on the next day. Getting an overview of today’s currently open fastfood orders might be done with a query like the following:

FROM appId(...) & 'order' & 'created' & TIME > 2023-03-14T00:00+01:00 -- insert beginning of today
FILTER !IsDefined(
( -- run a sub-query on this particular order ID
FROM appId(...) & 'order' & `order:{}` & 'completed'
)[0] -- and try to access the first result
) -- filter out those order creations for which a completion exists
SELECT -- and get the order ID of the open ones

External observers

The final part of this document considers relationships between different entities. For example the fastfood order could have been created by a customer with a known ID, in which case it would be useful to tag this event additionally with customer:<ID>. Or if someone (e.g. a robot) moves something into or out of a warehouse and tracks this with a dedicated workflow, it would make sense to tag the event that signifies “the parcel has been placed in position XYZ” additionally with parcel:<ID>.

At this point it is important to recall the rule that no event shall be tagged with two unique entity tag pairs — in other words, one event should only drive one workflow, not two at the same time. Deviations from this rule may be contemplated within a tighly-knit app, but it is obvious that the implied coordination around event types is impractical between different apps.


It is frequently useful to additionally tag events belonging to a workflow with the identifiers (but not the entity type tags!) of long-lived entities for whom this event is relevant.

Mentioning another workflow in this way is an anti-pattern that should be avoided — emit multiple events instead, each one belonging to one workflow.

In our fastfood restaurant example, order creation might add tags to mention the customer, preparation the kitchen staff involved, and completion the counter staff who served it. This way, the mentioned long-lived entities are enriched with more attributes that can be queried, both historically and for the current state.